Workshop 9 okt: Other Encounters with the Museum
Workshop onsdagen 9 oktober kl. 14 – 17
Plats; Auditoriet, Göteborgs konstmuseum, Götaplatsen.
I samband med g19 konferensen har vi bjudit in Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, en av g19s keynote talarna att hålla i en workshop.
Arrangerad av nätverket Kulturarvet och den tvärvetenskapliga genusforskningen, föreningen Genus i museer och Göteborgs konstmuseum
Other Encounters with the Museum
Artist Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay will lead a workshop that explores the diverse ways that feelings, sexuality, and identity shape the way we encounter art works. The workshop will involve both discussion and practical experiments, including the scripting of navigational scores that imagines ways of moving through the museum informed by sexuality, gender, and queerness.
Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay is a Montreal-born artist, diarist, and researcher. His artistic work mediates emotional encounters with musical, art historical and queer cultural material, encouraging deep listening and empathic viewing. In his work you will find audio guides, bells, bouquets, ceramic vases, enchanted forests, folding screens, gay elders, glitter, gold leaf, love letters, imaginary paintings, madrigals, megaphones, mirrors, naked men, sex-changing flowers, sign language, subtitles, and the voices of birds, boy sopranos, contraltos, countertenors, and sirens. Nemerofsky’s work has been exhibited internationally, and is part of the permanent collections of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, the Polin Museum for the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Thielska Galleriet Stockholm and the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa.
This workshop will be held in English.
Free entrance to the workshop but entrance to the Museum is required. Limited number of seats. Tickets can be collected at the Gothenburg Museum of Art from first of October.
Booking of tickets can also be done by e-mail to, enter workshop 9 October. Tickets will be picked up no later than 9/10 at 13.45.
The workshop is given in collaboration between the Gothenburg Museum of Art, the Network Cultural Heritage and the interdisciplinary gender research and the association Genus I museer.